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2017! We're in Business

Cross Culture Concierge is becoming a reality more and more everyday. In just under a month, Susanne and I have created a website, found and remodeled a new office, and hosted the first of many Conversation Clubs. By the end of January most New Year resolutions have faded into a distance thought, or a muffled voice from one's subconscious. But for us, our New Year’s Resolutions are in action and growing.

At the end of October 2016, Susanne and I listened to the muffled voice and put our thoughts together to create Cross Culture Concierge. Combined we have years worth of traveling through, living in, and teaching other cultures. This is our opportunity to take all of our experiences and cultural sensitivity and turn it into a business where we can offer concierge services to help individuals with specific language and/or cultural needs.

Our inaugural conversation club commemorated the realization that after one month, our business is growing. Congratulations to Talal, who came and spent a few hours with us. His presence was awarded with a gift certificate, great sandwiches and better conversation. We look forward to holding more Conversation Clubs, to growing into a bigger business, and to seeing our 2017 resolutions continue throughout many new years.

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