When you are a small business, marketing and networking takes a lot of leg work. Armed with fresh copies of our flyers, Natalia and I headed to USF to meet old friends, make new ones and get the word out about our business. We had a plan of action, a positive attitude and zero inhibitions.
At the INTO building we ran into Naif, a former student of ours. He was just as surprised to see us as we were to see him and we spent a few minutes catching up. We also filled him in on our business venture and left him with flyers and business cards and a promise to see him at our next Conversation Club on February 24.
We also had a long chat with Mohammed. An incredible student with great motivation and foresight, Mohamed epitomizes the strength and will of a student who wants to succeed. It was incredible to see how fluent he is now in English and how well he has adjusted to life on university campus.
We also met Isa from Kenya at the International Student Immigration office and Mahmoud from Bahrain who was promoting wake boarding during the wellness awareness campaign on campus. We ran into a group of students from India who connected us with small business experts and a group from China who who had moved to Tampa only a month ago. It never seizes to amaze me how small the world is; who you'll run into and who you'll meet with zero inhibitions.